Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Tiny (or Abnormally Large) Things in South Africa!


This grasshopper jumped off the hat when I picked it up. It couldn't fly it was so big!

The other ones we saw had their guts mushed out.  This one is ok.
From Mom:  "It's the same color as Katie's hair!"

The ladybug is not 13 spots old. That's a myth!
Mr. Mothy is actually a butterfly!
The ants make nests out of leaves!

"...And here is Dung Beetle! Begin the fight!"


Bwa ha ha! The evil millipede is here and he's hungry...
The legs are so POINTY!


Hanging on tight right next to the strong currents of the ocean.
The crabs are HUGE-- They can be 2/3 foot long!

The Life of Liz!

Liz is eatin' ants.

Liz is trying to hide.

Liz is trying to fit through the hole.


Aah! It's a snake! JK, it's not. This is a skink!

This is a gecko because it has sticky feet and weird eyes.

Flower Show

Twin flowers #1 & #2
Flower #3
Flower #4
Flower #5
Flower # 6

Flower #7

Flower #8

1 comment:

Aunt Sheri said...

I love the flowers! 💕

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